Friday, April 10, 2009

At Calvary

Looking back to the hill of Calvary, these things by faith I see ...
A crown of thorns, splattered with mud,
A soldier's spear, fresh-tipped with blood.
The tears of a mother's age-old grief,
And tears of joy shed by a thief.
A sponge filled with vinegar, a broken reed,
Three rusty nails for which no need.
And tossed to one side is the sign they used,
"This is Jesus, King of the Jews.
A reed and a spear, a crown and a tear,
To remind the world that Christ died here.
But one thing more by faith I see,
At the foot of the cross ...
A place for me.
(Written by a U.S. serviceman in Germany. This poem has never been published.)