After a mechanic’s inspection, I gave the seller a $100.00 deposit to hold the perfect car until my down payment arrived. There was no cash from the government back then but I was expecting some money that was owed to me -- the proverbial check that was arriving in the mail on Wednesday. Thursday, I would go to the bank, make the loan, and complete the purchase.
You will not be surprised when I tell you the check was NOT in the mail on Wednesday. No panic -- the government-run post office was working at its usual level of proficiency, but it will certainly arrive on Thursday.
You’re ahead of me -- I know -- no check on Thursday either.
At that point it seemed obvious that God was unaware of my dilemma so I explained things to Him at a level He could understand. In my whiniest voice I said: “Lord, the bank is closed on Saturday. If the check doesn’t arrive tomorrow I will lose my $100.00 deposit, somebody else will buy my perfect car, and I will be walking. And Lord, since You know I need this car to serve You, I’m sure You will come through and make certain the check arrives on time.”
Friday I went to the mailbox and stared into a black hole -- no check. First I pouted. Then I got mad and let God know, in no uncertain terms, how unhappy I was with the lousy job He had done. As I stewed and steamed beside my empty mailbox, the owner of the Cutlass pulled up in my drive.
My attempt to explain the non-arrival of the promised check was cut short as he returned my deposit check. “I can’t sell the car to you,” he said. “State investigators have impounded the vehicle -- it was stolen.” Seeing the confusion on my face, he explained, “I’m out the money I paid for it and out of a car. If you had bought it you’d be where I am.”
As he drove away, I slowly and sheepishly looked up to heaven and said, “Oh.”
I did all the right things a responsible buyer should do. I determined the value of the car. I had it inspected. I arranged a good, affordable loan. I did all my homework. But there was something about this deal that I didn’t know -- that I could not have known.
But God knew.
He also knew that from my youthful inexperience I wouldn’t understand at first … and from my immaturity I would behave like a spoiled child. That didn’t prevent His love from protecting me.
I learned some valuable “life lessons” that day. I learned that ...
- God is really smart.
- He always knows what He is doing (even when I think He doesn’t).
- His grace cannot be conquered by my moods.
- He will always do what is best for His children.
- He will never harm me.
- He is a really good Father .
One more thing: it isn’t always a bad thing when the check isn’t in the mail.